NY BLOGG - felicialeinoneen.blogg.se

The worst feeling is not being lonely, sometimes it's being forgotten by someone you can't forget

Kategori: GUEST BLOG

Twitter är en väldigt lärorik hemsida tycker lilla jag personligen, det finns så mycket man själv kan relatera till och man förstår att man inte är den ända i världen som känner/gör på ett speciellt sätt.

- I enjoy being around people that can make me laugh without trying.
- I still use my fingers to count in math.
- Dear iTunes, Please realize that when I put you on "shuffle" I mean "play all of my favorite songs". Sincerely, skip... skip... skip...
- A true friend scolds like a dad, cares like a mom, teases like a sister, irritates like a brother and loves you more than a lover.
- The problem with guys is, they pretend to like you when they dont. The problem with girls is, they pretend they don't like you when they do.

Puss Theresa


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